Ruling on performing Jumu`ah Prayer on the part of the inhabitants of the desert who live on pursuing rains


Q: We live in a desert that includes nine valleys, each is about an hour and a half to three hours away from the other. (Part No. 7; Page No. 52) Farming, cattle, and even we depend on rainwater. When the rain falls, the water collects in tanks dug in the ground. Each is five meters long, two meters wide, and four meters deep. Each of these valleys has about five tanks which provide drinking water only for us and our cattle. We do not use this water for Wudu' (ablution); we rather perform Tayammum (dry ablution with clean earth), unless a person needs to perform Ghusl (full ritual bath) following major Hadath (ritual impurity that necessitates full bath). When these tanks run out of water, we move to other neighboring valleys. Everyone in the valley does the same. When all the valleys run out of water, we move to neighboring regions where there is river water. It takes about three days on foot and seven hours by jeep to travel to the neighboring regions; however, the jeeps are not available all the time. Besides, in our valleys there are water tanks, a few new houses and Masjids (mosques) built of palm trunks.My question is: Is it obligatory upon us to offer the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer in our case? We did not use to offer it, considering ourselves Bedouins. A short time ago, some of us traveled and came back telling us that it is obligatory upon us to offer the Jum`ah Prayer. They started doing so and continued to offer it along with some people each Friday (Part No. 7; Page No. 53) in one of these valleys. When these valleys run out of water, people do not offer the Jum`ah Prayer until the rain falls again. Should we offer Jum`ah in our case? My second question is: Should we perform Wudu' using these tanks or can we perform Tayammum to save the tank water? Guide us, may Allah benefit you! Please consider this matter bearing in mind that there is no resident Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer). Wa `alaykum as-salam warahmatullah wabarakatuh (May Allah's Peace, Mercy, and Blessings be upon you )

A: First, if the case is as you mentioned and you are not settled in a certain place; rather, you move seeking after rain water, you should not offer the Jum`ah Prayer and should offer the Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer instead. Second, it is not permissible to perform Tayammum when there is water present and the ability to use it. The Salah (Prayer) of whoever performs Tayammum while water is available is invalid, unless water is barely enough for drinking and cooking; in such case, there is nothing wrong with performing Tayammum.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
